Club Refund Policy

If you are not satisfied with our service or your experience while participating in one of our soccer programs, we regret your disappointment. Due to the nature of community soccer and league participation, we strive to provide optimal service and soccer experience.

Before requesting for a refund, please contact us to resolve the matter of concern first for the possibility of resolving issues, or credits towards another session or season.

Submit your concern to an online form

Deadline for Refund Requests

All refund requests can be emailed to with the following information:

  • Full Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Reason for refund
  • Amount paid

All approved refunds will be reimbursed by cheque within 30days of approval by the refund review committee.  

Following are the guidelines in issuing refunds:

  1. A full refund will be issued if BC Tigers FC is unable to place the player on a team.
  2. A partial refund will be issued if a player is unable to participate for medical reasons.  A physician’s note will be required stating that the player is not able to play. 
  3. No refunds will be issued for players placed on Development, Select or Metro teams.
  4. No refunds will be given due to conflicts with practice nights, times or locations.

All refunds are subject to a minimum $50 administration fee.

All refund requests will be reviewed by the Club Refund Committee of BC Tigers.

If you are not satisfied with our service or your experience while participating in one of our soccer programs, we regret your disappointment. Due to the nature of community soccer and league participation, we strive to provide optimal service and soccer experience.

Before requesting for a refund, please contact us to resolve the matter of concern first for the possibility of resolving issues, or credits towards another session or season.

Submit your concern to an online form below:

Parent/Player Meeting or Incident Report Form

Should you wish to pursue with refund request please read below

Deadline for Refund Requests:

  • Fall/Winter Season: September 15th
  • Spring/Summer Season: April 15th

Click Here to Download Refund Request Form

All refund requests can be emailed to with the following information:

  • Full Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Reason for refund
  • Amount paid

All approved refunds will be reimbursed by cheque within 30days of approval by the refund review committee.  

Following are the guidelines in issuing refunds:

  1. A full refund will be issued if BC Tigers FC is unable to place the player on a team.
  2. A partial refund will be issued if a player is unable to participate for medical reasons.  A physician’s note will be required stating that the player is not able to play. 
  3. No refunds will be issued for players placed on Development, Select or Metro teams.
  4. No refunds will be given due to conflicts with practice nights, times or locations.

All refunds are subject to a minimum $50 administration fee.

All refund requests will be reviewed by the Club Refund Committee of BC Tigers.