Updated September 1, 2020

BC Tigers FC is transitioning to Return to Modified Games and/or Competition Structure within identified Soccer Cohorts.

Limited contract in training can occur as of August 24, 2020.

On August 24, 2020, “BC Soccer’s Return to Play Phase 2 Plan – Recommendation and Guidelines” were provided to our Club

CLICK HERE to view BC Soccer’s Phase 2 FAQ document, updated August 28, 2020.

With the release BC Soccer provided this memo to advise on next steps for those Members and Affiliated Clubs that would like to offer on-field sanctioned soccer activity under the terms of the plan.

Currently, there is no indication when soccer will be able to move beyond what is within BC Soccer’s Return to Play Phase 2 Plan – Recommendations and Guidelines.

As of August 24, 2020, sport including soccer is in the “Progressively Loosening” phase. The health authorities in BC will determine how quickly sport (and soccer) may be able to move to the final phase.

Of importance: Phase 3 (“Progressively Loosen”) in the below chart is Phase 2 for Soccer.

CLICK HERE to view Via Sport’s updated Return to Sport Guidelines.